Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I'm finally here in Salt Lake City Utah!!!! And it's soooo pretty! The Mountains,flowers, the temple, the weather, the people, even the traffic! I've been staying with my friend's family and they are absolutely wonderful. It's been a great chance to slow down and relax. I have a cold, so it's been a forcable slow down, but a much needed one nonetheless. I have been so anxious lately but from the time I stepped off the plane, my heart has been at peace. I feel like my journey is finally beginning and I am finally where the Lord wants me! Its a wonderful feeling! I've
gotten to see several friends and some of downtown salt lake. I laid on the grass under the temple and felt the breeze blow by. It truly brought peace to my if I didn't have a care in the world. Its been beautiful weather and b/c it snowed on monday, the mountains are unusually snowy and majestic for this time of year. I'm getting all my necessities for camp and pretty soon get to go do baptisms for my ancestors! It's so exciting! I also get to meet the family of one of my elder's and get to see the elder who baptized me for the first time in a year! I got to hang out with Karina and watch tangled, made homemade muffins with Bethany and her sister,
have had wonderful gospel centered conversations and I feel like I'm learning and growing so much already. On the plane on the way here, a gentleman asked if I was mormon, and I replied, "Yes". It was the beginning of a new identity. I can be mormon, I don't have to be catholic, I don't have to be who I was! I get to start brand new and embrace my identity as a questions asked! I can leave all my negative drama at home and go up to camp, happy, healthy, mormon, and ready to learn!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you Lisa, thank you for sharing this with us. Good to know that you are having fun there! I am so jealous you got to hang out with Karina and Bethany! I miss them! :D If you keep updating this blog all this summer i think this would be the best way to keep in touch ;) if you can't here is my address:241 Powell St, Clarendon Hills,IL 60514 Miss ya beautiful!!!;)
