Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Life in Logan

So here I am in Logan, UT and tomorrow I start working at Bed Bath and Beyond! Super excited to have a reason to leave my apartment other than dinner. However, being sick all week, I'm glad that I got to do virtually nothing but sleep! Quinn and I have been having fun cooking different dinners together like stirfry, southwest chicken, fried rice, and grilled cheese and soup! We also have been trying to watch Harry Potter 7 part 2 but its not working out. Lots of journaling and scripture reading! I finished 1Nephi last night and begin 2Nephi today! Super cool! Loving reading them and finally getting used to the language! And the biggest lesson I am learning is two fold: 1. Life is hard but it makes you strong, and 2. The Lord will take care of you. Well, we were going to eat cream of broccolli soup but the can expired five years ago. Oh Well, Chicken fried rice it is! hahahahah Oh food storage! That's what happens when no one likes cream of broccolli soup and you buy a whole case.
So, our showers are going to be super interesting. With Quinn's family, we're having a shower that's themed time of day and I hear were getting lots of food storage! and with my family, its going to be our traditional shower, mostly off the registry the day after my bachelorette party in chicago! I'm super excited for both. And we have started on the decorations and the centerpieces. Married Life is coming, and I'm getting ready!

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